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Cokie the Cat: Hollywood Insider: August 2011

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

#ThankfulThursday Blog Hop

I love my Mom
I love this pic of me and Mom reuniting upon her return from #BlogPaws - finally. She's been gone almost a month!

First farm sitting, then Blogpaws, then D.C., then Alexandria and Mt. Vernon, and finally last night late - HOME! I'm back in my rightful spot at Mom's feet as she types up my #ThankfulThursday blog post for me.

THANK YOU FOR COMING HOME, MOM. I know you had a pawesome vacation, and you needed one, and you met all kinds of great animal people and learned lots of great stuff to help animals and got new ideas for my blog - and a new one of your own... But I'm so thankful you're HOME! I love you, Mom!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

#ThankfulThursday, Friday, Every Day

I've said you can post your #ThankfulThursday blog hop posts any day, it doesn't have to be Thursday to link up to the hop. It's just easier for us all to remember to do them on Thursdays because of the 'Th' thing.

Now Mom's at BlogPaws and didn't get around to doing mine till just now - after midnight EST - and she's too tired to set up the blog hop. She said you'd understand. She promises she'll do it tomorrow, but go ahead and write your own #ThankfulThursday posts and we can all link up later!

For now, I'm happy Mom finally got to meet Caroline, @romeothecat's mom, cause they've been phone and email friends for a while now, and that this pawesome conference is making my mom appreciate just how much more popular I am than her. Let's just keep things in perspective, people. I'm the one with the 4000 Twitter followers, not my mom. ; )  It is great that she's already making so many wonderful 'in person' friends though.

I'll be even more thankful when she finally gets HOME.

More tomorrow!


Friday, August 19, 2011

Saturday Pet Bloggers Hop

Join Here!
Welcome to another Saturday Pet Bloggers Hop here at Cokie the Cat: Hollywood Insider. Maybe it should be New England Outsider this week, since that's where Mom still is, babysitting those farm animals until she takes a train to Washington, D.C. and goes to BlogPaws next week! 

Oh! but before that she's meeting some of my anipal friends' Moms tomorrow in Northampton, Mass! She didn't think she'd EVER be in New England, much less Western Massachusetts, but there she is, drinking her signature Rum Runners and minding goats and chickens! 

She didn't find out early enough to get tickets for the Rachel Maddow hosted benefit for the local co-op - she and her girlfriend live in the teeny town where Mom's staying - so while that's going on up the road a piece (that's how humans talk in the country), Mom will be having meeting  and Look_at_MEOW's Moms at Thornes Market in Noho. 

I want to remind any newcomers (or old hats) that the #ThankfulThursday Blog Hop has replaced the Anipal Photo Hunt, and that you don't have to do it just on Thursdays. Thankful and Thursday just go together and remind mom to post every week (except that she was on three different flights last week and didn't get to posting!) 

My point is (and I'm using my dew claw here) that any of you coming here on Saturday, or any day, are welcome to join the #Thankful Thursday Blog Hop. Just scroll down to it and link your post of whatever you're thankful for that particular week, and check out the other bloggers' Thankful posts as well. It's always perspiring to hear... wait - INSPIRING to hear what other anipals are thankful for. It puts things in perspective and makes us all appreciate what we have, even if it's not much at the moment. At least we can always be thankful that other anipals have things to be thankful for, right? 

So if you haven't yet, please sign my guestbook in the right sidebar, and join the Saturday Pet Bloggers Hop, which is a super cool hop and can take your whole Saturday to read all those pawsome blogs, and really, is there anything you'd rather do? And if you have the chance, put my Thankful Thursday Blog Hop badge on your site so you don't forget to share what's good in your world with us every week. 

 Thank you!! =^..^= Cokie

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Thankful Thursday Blog Hop

Apologies for missing #ThankfulThursday last week. 

Mom had just arrived in New England and was getting the quick and dirty tour of the house, the farm, the admittedly few chores, and a driving tour of the Hilltowns of Western Massachusetts.

Hilltown Families' Facebook Logo
So cute!
Dad was in his underwear watching TV. Or reading the Huffington Post. Or composing music. Whatever he was doing it was not taking dictation from me for my Thankful Thursday Blog Hop. I kept asking him if we could work on it now and he kept asking me what I wanted. Very exasperating.

My head hurts.
I'm writing this one with sheer super human - strike that - super feline powers of thinking it into being. I'll have to lie down all day after this.

I can't wait till mom gets home. Twelve days and counting. I should get a present every day, like the 12 Days of Christmas, don't you think? A partridge would be interesting, or two turtle doves. Now that I think of it, I wouldn't want all that other stuff.

At least a jar of baby food every day would be nice. Mom keeps baby food chicken and broth in the fridge and I eat it like an ice cream treat. DAD...  Yeah, right. He doesn't even read this.

Anyway back to #ThankfulThursday!! 

I am very thankful that Mom is having a fantastic time in New England. She's learning all about chickens and goats and composting and taking your own trash to the transfer station and chasing dogs who run away every day and that dogs destroy every toy you buy them within the hour, and that they have to go outside to poop, even in the rain and then when they come back in they smell like a wet dog! She says it's pretty fun for now, but I know she'll come running back to me.

She's very much thankful for me right now and missing my soft snuggliness and my very content, 'happy to have such a loving and comfortable home' purrs.

I know you miss me.
I'm also grateful that it's National Black Cat Appreciation Day and that lots of color challenged kitties will be adopted today and people will be educated about the bad rap black cats get. Actually, they're not really color challenged, black cats all have beautifully colored eyes.

@eddiebabycat is one of Mom's most popular portraits!
What are you thankful for this week? Join the #ThankfulThursday Blog Hop below and tell your friends!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Wordless Wednesday ~ BlogPaws Blog Hop

Saturday, August 13, 2011

New England!?

Mom is house sitting in New England for two weeks before BlogPaws. Apparently it's not in England at all, but in the eastern U.S.  She's house sitting with a labradoodle named Truman, three goats, five chickens, one rooster and one bunny at a nice home on 40 acres of woods between the Berkshires and the Hill Country in Western Massachusetts.

I'm trying not to to be jealous of MY Mom lovin' on all those other animals, but it's not easy. She sent me this pic of her friend, Eliza. She's 7 and she's sort of pretending to ride on Pedro the goat. Mom says Eliza's really cute. Eliza and and her mom and her big brother, Henry, flew today to L.A., and my Mom's staying at their house while they're gone.

Eliza and Pedro in the front yard

Mom's never been to New England before and she says it's beautiful country and all the houses and buildings are amazing. I'm afraid she may end up wanting to move there, and then I'd have to re-name and re-theme my blog.  =^..^=

This is Truman the Labradoodle. Do I need to be nervous that Mom will like him better?

This is Truman running away down the road, a mile from the house.
Some cats gotta wear pants, some dog's gotta wear ties! Sorry, Truman.
It's the leash for you from now on. (He sure was waggly...)
I'll post more pics as mom sends them. I sure hope she comes back! She will, right? It looks awfully pretty around there.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

"CATS for Cats" on (L.A.'s) Broadway Tonight!

This is it! Tonight's the night! Mom's going to be meeting so many of my anipal friends tonight at The Orpheum Theatre in downtown L.A. - in the historic theatre district on Broadway! Did you know there was a Broadway in Los Angeles? Well, there is and they've been working on restoring and reviving the beautiful old theatres there for some time. The Orpheum is abolutely spectacular!

The Orpheum Theatre on L.A.'s Broadway
And tonight the CATS for Cats benefit for Kitty Bungalow Charm School for Wayward Cats with Fred Willard, James Cromwell, Peter Gallagher, Anna Gunn, the So You Think You Can Dance Dancers and a boatload of fantastic celebrities is finally happening. We're all so excited!

Mom w/her new dark hair (so you'll recognize her tonight!)

Jackson Galaxy

Eldad and Audrey Hagar
JinJin Doggy, Baby Patches, Nikita, Buzz Lucas, Chazz the Dog, Mike Tyson the cat, and Bobbles's people will all be there, along with Jackson Galaxy from "My Cat From Hell" and Eldad & Audrey Hagar from Hope for Paws.

For anyone visiting my blog for the first time, Welcome! Please sign my TV guestbook on the right, and feel free to wander around. This post is what's called a "Blog Hop" which means a whole bunch 'o folks are posting on their blogs with some kind of common thread - in this case, it's the Saturday Pet Blogger Hop.

At the bottom of this post, you'll see pics with links to tons of other fun pet blogs that you can hop to and check out and you can join the hop, by adding the link at the bottom to your own blog post.

Anyway, we're super excited and we have to go get ready for the show, so we'll let you know how it goes.



Thursday, August 4, 2011

Thankful Thursday Blog Hop

Hells yeah! It's Thankful Thursday and I have a LOT to be thankful for today!

#1. My friend PepiSmartDog gave me the coveted STYLISH BLOG award! Thankyouverymuch. Mom has absolutely NO TIME to come up with the obligatory 'seven things you didn't know about me' just now, but I will go ahead and ACCEPT the honor with a most humble flourished bow to his honor PepiSmartDog, Esquire. You rock, dog. I'll nominate some stylish blogs myself in a few days.
Mom's pawesome new biz cars w/the PepiSmartDog portrait she drew of him!

#2. Mom's killer new business cards for BlogpPaws! Woot!

#3: We're ALMOST to the CATS for Cats benefit concert for Kitty Bungalow Charm School for Wayward Cats! It's this Saturday, Aug. 6th at the gorgeous Orpheum Theatre, downtown L.A. at 8pm. If you've been waiting to buy tickets, now's the time! Kitty Bungalow just released some select tickets for 50% OFF if you order with the promo code: FRIENDS! Go! Go! Go! Order HERE. You'll not only see a great show with Fred Willard, James Cromwell and a whole wad of pawesome stars, but you'll get to meet MY MOM, @jinjindoggy's Mom, Nikita's Dad, @BabyPatches' Mom and who knows who all else! And you'll be helping SO MANY South L.A. cats. Get it on down there, friends!

#4. The "Adopt a Prize Pussy' raffle at the CATS for Cats show is going to be SUPER STUPENDOUS!  These are just a few of the incredible prizes! (Approx. 60 prizes total!) Look at just a few of these crazy cool prizes that your humans will have a chance to win when they 'adopt' a Build a Bear stuffed cat for $50 (tax deductible!):

JCLA Flirty Feline Rescue Me tote (and toy dog tote!) ($210 value!)
Nick Chavez Beverly Hills Pro Salon Mini Tools set and complete Volumizing Line ($350 value!)
Original Watercolor and Ink Painting by French Artist Oxana Zaika ($200 value)
Finally, and most importantly, I'm thankful that Mom had a nice Rum drink tonight and is feelin' good (tipsy!), that we're all healthy in our household tonight, for the most part, and that I'm about to get an nice helping of Salmon and then tucked in for long nap. It just doesn't get much better than this.

And now it's your turn my friends. What's good about today? There must be something... Have at it! If nothing else you can feel good about the FACT that my Mom and I LOVE all of you anipals! Truly we do.

Have a wonderful and Thankful Thurday, sweet peas~
Your Man Cat,
cokiethecat at